Purdue University Global
School of Business and Information Technology
Cates, S. & Jackson, J. (2021, Winter). Are the complaints filed by military service personnel in 2017 under USERRA different from those filed in previous years? A comparative analysis of USERRA. International Journal of Business and Public Administration, 18(1), 55-68.
Davis, N. L., Gough, M., & Taylor, L. L. (2021). Enhancing online courses by utilizing "Backward Design." Journal of teaching in Travel & Tourism, 21(4), 437–446. https://doi.org/10.1080/15313220.2021.1924922
Fish, G. P., Self, S. W., Sargsyan, G., & McCullough, T. (2021, June 23) Preparation to prevent, detect, and manage fraud: A study of not-for-profits in South Central Pennsylvania. Journal of Leadership Accountability and Ethics, 18(2), 43-55. https://doi.org/10.33423/jlae.v18i2.4254
Green, D. D. & McCann, J. (2021, April 1). The coronavirus effect: How to engage generation Z for greater student outcomes. Management and Economic Research Journal, 7(1), 1-7. https://doi.org/10.18639/MERJ.2021.9900041
Mensch, S., & Pry, M. (2021). An exploration of business and continuity planning and disaster recovery in the 21st century. ACET Journal of Computer Education and Research, 15(1), 1-10.
Sparks, B., & McCann, J. (2021, September). Scenario planning for a post-pandemic workplace. International Management Review, 17(2), 23-35.
Becker, G., & Ponschock, R. (2021, July 2). 1984 has arrived: A novel based on actual events. Independently published.
Fudge, T. P. & Ferebee, S. S. (2021, July). Preface: 21st Century education and new perspectives. In T. P. Fudge & S. S. Ferebee (Eds.), Curriculum development and online instruction for the 21st century (pp. xv-xxii). IGI Global. https://doi.org/10.4018/978-1-7998-7653-3
Green, D. D. & McCann, J. T. (2021, August 6). Small business marketing: Building winning strategies in a digital economy. Amazon Digital Services.
Kanjanapongpaisal, P. G., & Wolfe Sharp, F. (2021, July). Curriculum and online course development framework. In T. P. Fudge, & S. S. Ferebee (Eds.), Curriculum development and online instruction for the 21st century (pp. 223-251). IGI Global. https://doi.org/10.4018/978-1-7998-7653-3.ch012
Cojanu, K., Pettine, S., & Slater, L. (2021). Workplace training and the skills gap: Examining the competency of professionalism. Proceedings of the 2021 Academic and Business Research Institute Conference. http://www.aabri.com/S21VCManuscripts/S21VC014.pdf
Edwards, C. T. (2021, April 15). Using interactive technology and motivation to increase student persistence. [Conference presentation]. 26th Annual Technology, Colleges and Community (TCC) Online Conference.
Locker, C., & Teague, J. (2021). In the wake of a pandemic: Leadership lessons learned. [Conference presentation]. Institute of Behavior and Applied Management IBAM 28 Virtual Conference.
McDermott, M. J. (2021, February 25-26). The influence of industry selection on successful franchise ownership and satisfaction. Proceedings of the 2021 Small Business Institute Conference, 45(1), 125-130. https://smallbusinessinstitute.wildapricot.org/resources/Documents/SBI2021Proceedings.pdf
McDermott, M., & Jackson, J. (2021, January 13). A qualitative study: Military veterans and franchise ownership. Proceedings of the Qualitative Report 12th Annual Conference, Fort Lauderdale, FL. https://nsuworks.nova.edu/tqrc/twelfth/day2/51
Sparks, B., & McCann, J. (2021, October 28). Emotional intelligence, locus of control, and innovative work behavior: A study of engineers working in the United States. In G. Natarajan, E. H. Ng, and P. F. Katina (eds.), Proceedings of the International Annual Conference of the American Society for Engineering Management.
Stringham, C., Pettine, S., & Knapp, S. (2021). Attracting and retaining Generation Z. Proceedings of the 2021 Academic and Business Research Institute Conference. http://www.aabri.com/S21VCManuscripts/S21VC016.pdf
McDermott, M. (2021, August 11). An evening with Professor Glen Jenewein: Staying relevant. PGIpds. https://www.pgipods.com/an-evening-with-professor-glen-jenewein-staying-relevant
McDermott, M. (2021, November 15). Skills required to become a computer support specialist. Purdue University Global. https://www.purdueglobal.edu/blog/information-technology/computer-support-specialist-skills-needed
Gen Ed Conference, June 27-29, 2021
PG Village, November 8-12, 2021
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